
Training and Educational Seminars

In addition to our hands-on workshops, we offer training and seminars for the purpose of educating students, builders, developers and home owners on earthen walls. We realize the need to disseminate information on the techniques of this wall construction system, the benefits, the engineering, and thermal properties. To see more about our previous seminars, visit here.

Training and Educational Seminars

We provide specialized architectural design and engineering services to home owners and contractors. Our team has extensive background designing and constructing adobe and CEB buildings, and will provide benefit to your project through value engineering. To gain specific feedback on your project, please visit here to set up a call.

Training and Educational Seminars

We can supply your project with locally produced earthen building material. Our blocks meet and exceed standards set by the New Mexico Earth Building Code. We can also provide you with screened material for mortar and earthen plaster as needed. Our 6″x12″ blocks are $2.20 each and can be delivered to made on-site in certain locations. Email us for a quote or visit our consultation services for additional support.

Construction Support

Depending on the level of construction support needed, what we find works well is to work directly with local masons in your area. Here we can mentor and guide both skilled and untrained workers to be competent block layers. The process is easy to learn, as beautiful results have been achieved by novices. We are available to discuss your project and provide the resources needed to ensure success. If you would like to set up a call to discuss, please visit here.

Colorado Bovedas

A great way to enhance earthen walls is with a masonry roof! Colorado Earth is partnered with James Anthony to construct stunning masonry domes and vaults using a variety of masonry material and endless design possibilities. To see this captivating work, visit James’s work HERE and contact Colorado Earth for pricing and design ideas.